
HBGary Federal hacked and exposed by Anonymous - READ ALL DETAILS

This story is too good to be missed ...

(...) 'Anonymous' unleashed their anger at a security firm who had been investigating 
their membership. HBGary Federal had been working on unmasking their identities in
cooperation with an FBI investigation into the attacks against companies who were
cutting off WikiLeaks access and financing. Unlike the DDoS attacks for which 
Anonymous has made headlines in recent months, this incident involved true hacking 
skills. Anonymous compromised the HBGary website and replaced it with an image 
explaining their motivation. In addition to the defacement, they downloaded over 
60,000 emails from the company and posted them on The Pirate Bay.

At the time of editing, http://www.hbgary.com/ is still showing a placeholder, while 
http://hbgaryfederal.com/ and http://rootkit.com/ appear to be offline. The image used by 
'Anonymous' to replace the website's frontpage may be seen at http://i.imgur.com/em14R.jpg 
or http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/2294/internetsanon.jpg, also at http://imagebin.org/136505
Another instance of the 'modified' website is here --> http://imagebin.org/136490.

Aaron Barr's Twitter account http://twitter.com/#!/aaronbarr/ was definitely run by the hackers 
until some hours ago (not quite sure at the moment...); an archived view is here: 

The 'Financial Times' article mentioned above is available in the clear at 
(no FT account required).

Related: FBI Raids Dozens In Pro-Wikileaks Hacktivist Investigation:

Stuff for the nerds:
How to get root on rootkit.com? --> http://pastie.org/1535735

Finally, the full torrent link to all leaked emails (easily available via Google):

Don't miss this sarcastic 'press release' from Anonymous for some laughs:

Update (16:00 UT): We now have 'Anonymous's (serious) press release describing this action in 
full detail: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=127412497328062&id=192003674161436
this text can also be read on their own website at http://anonnews.org/?p=press&a=item&i=378.


We at SFU have been waiting for this story to make it today's item for our --> 

'Mountain Man's DAILY HAHA' ... !! - Be prepared for more: